Equipping Hour

equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of christ

Ephesians 4:12

9:00 AM - Adult Equipping Hour
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Adult Equipping Hour
which centers on solid Biblical teaching  from Sr Pastor Dave Beakley.
Open to anyone who wants to attend, the Equipping Hour helps you fellowship with and encourage other believers.  
9:00 AM - Children & Youth Equipping Hour
Children & Youth Equipping Hour for children of all ages during our
Adult Equipping Hour (Sunday School)
Nursery (3mo - 3 yrs)
Animated Bible Hour (4yr - 4th grade) - 
Class meets in the Rainbow Classroom
Jr. High (5th - 8th grade) & Sr. High (9th - 12th grade) - 
Classes meets at the HOPE Center

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