Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The Children's Ministry of Living Hope exists to come alongside the families of our church as they strive to raise their children in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  
We believe that it is the Word of God alone that can give children "the wisdom that leads to salvation" (2 Tim. 3:15).  
All classes are designed to allow the children to learn the Word of God in an age-appropriate, interactive, and exciting environment.
We consider it a great privilege to serve and shepherd every child in our ministry.

Sunday Mornings

Animated Bible Hour


Children's Church

Animated Bible Hour is available for
children 4 yrs old - 4th grade  during our
9:00 am Equipping Hour/Adult Sunday School.
 This class meets in the Rainbow Room.
Nursery is provided during Equipping Hour,
as well as during Morning Worship Service
for children 3mo - 2 years old.
Available during our Morning Worship service
in the Fellowship Hall for
children  4yo - 4th grade.
Children participate in song time before splitting into individual classes to do games, crafts, and listen to a Bible Story.  

Parent safety Sticker

Drop Off Info:  Upon drop-off, parents will need to fill out a Parent Safety Sticker,
with your child's name, your name and any other important information you wish to share with our teachers.
You and your child will each wear half of the sticker throughout the service; both halves will be matched up when you pick your child up from their class.


Wednesday Nights  

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

All Children ages 4 - 6th Grade are welcome!

Use The Form Below To Register Your Child Today!

October Calendar of Events

10/4Regular AWANA Night - Bring your handbook, bible, wear your uniform and bring Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoeboxes!
10/11: Fashion Disaster Night - Wear crazy mismatched clothes! Bring your handbook, bible, wear your uniform and bring Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoeboxes!
10/18: Pack OCC Shoeboxes - Help us pack shoeboxes and be a missionary for Jesus to kids around the world! Bring your handbook, bible, wear your uniform and bring Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoeboxes!
10/25: Regular AWANA Night - Bring your handbook, bible, wear your uniform and bring Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoeboxes!

awana Registration

We are excited to have your child join us wednesday nights for aWANA

* Please complete the form below for each participating child.

AWANA Resources for parents

Helpful Links to further your Child's AWANA Teachings.


AWANA Podcast


Coming Soon !


VBS Registration

We Are Excited To Have Your Child Join Us For Our 2024 VBS

Sunday, July 28th - Thursday, August 1st
6:00-8:30 PM

Age 4 Thru 4th Grade (Heading Into 5th Grade)

* Please Complete The Form Below For Each Participating Child. *

Please Plan To Come Into The Building To Pick Up Your Child From Their Group Leader At The Close Of Each Evening's Activities.
Thank You For  Helping To Ensure The Security Of All Participating Children!

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you.  Fill out the form below to get started.